Welcome to Shalom Leadership And Bible Academy

With us, be rest assured to grow with the right body of knowledge and become all God has designed you to be


"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - *2 Timothy 2:15*


Impacting lives with knowledge for the attainment of full potentials.


To provide quality and comprehensive trainings through all-round education by teaching spiritual truths, imparting biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities and mentorship for spiritual growth and leadership skills.


The courses offered in the school are all specially packaged for the attainment of success in ministry and in all life endeavors.

Our programs are specially designed for the five fold ministry, church workers/ leaders and all Christians

Pastor Moses Onodua- Rector

You will have the opportunity of acquiring an international certification at all levels of study.

You will have the privilege of a convenient study time. Lectures holds online via WhatsApp and Zoom on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays at 6pm (Nigeria) & 7pm (South Africa).

We have qualified and experienced teachers who are veterans in their field so you can be rest assured of getting the best from us

Our Partners

What Our Students Have to Say

Shalom leadership and Bible institute is an institute where the lecturers are well equipped, compassionate and very committed to helping the student gain a better understanding of what Ministry is all about and also the importance of having a personal relationship with God.

This school has changed my life and through the school, I have been able to meet wonderful Men and women of God from all over the world. If anyone is looking for where to study to make himself approved unto the Lord, Shalom Leadership and Bible institute is the best school and with affordable Fees. I am so blessed that I attended this Bible school.

Thank you my lecturers and more grace sirs.
Pastor (Mrs) Patience Fakumlah
From Germany
Shalom Leadership and Bible Institute (SLBI) helped me to swim with my head above water and confidently walking tall ever since l register my name with this Institution. It drew me up from the pit of being confused and frustrated in Christian Leadership. It has been a huge honour and privilege to have attended and completed my Diploma in Theology and Christian Leadership in 2021, hence I am urging future prospective student to take up their training quest in this wonderful Institute.

As for me it was truly a divine pleasure.
Pastor (Mrs) Nothemba Kembele Ngwentle
From Cape Town, South Africa
Shalom Leadership and Bible Institute is not a conventional Bible Collage but a leadership Institute that prepares its students both theologically and leadership wise, they made me understand that with leadership qualities coupled with anointing, ministry's excellence is guaranteed. I'm blessed to be part of this noble institution.
Pastor (Mrs) Monica Nobuntu Mjawana
From South Africa
In Shalom leadership and bible Institute expects nothing less than the best from each and every student. Teachers are here to teach but at this school they inspire students. The Staff are compassionate and caring towards the students. The staff tries their best to ensure a stable and smooth running of the school. | am glad that attended this great Bible School.
Pastor Isaiah Omoregie
From Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.


02 October
Upcoming Event

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    SLBA is now officially registered and approved to operate in Canada!
    Shalom Leadership and Bible Academy is now officially registered and incorporated in the city of Windsor, Ontario. Canada with both federal and provincial recognition. 
    SLBA Canada registration certificate number – 1622518-7.
    We are now fully international with the achievement of this milestone.
    Join this train of credible and highly experienced lecturers for all your leadership, theological, management, and special skills/trainings needs.
    SLBA…Impacting Lives!
    Join us NOW!