Meet Apostle Charles

He is a called Apostle to nations with undeniable proofs of his calling wherever he steps into. He is a firebrand and passionate Minister of the Gospel with a unique style. He is a man that hears from God.
He was a well trained and practicing Journalist before he was called into ministry assignment.
He has deep rooted passion for mission hence he is reffered to as a Missionary Pastor.
He is the Senior Pastor of Latter Rain Community Church with headquarters in Cape Town, South Africa. This church has grown within a short period and presently has additional 4 satellite churches (Branches) around Cape Town area.
He is happily married to Pastor (Mrs) Ruth Odigie and they are blessed with two boys.
Apostle Charles Odigie loves God. He is a passionate soul winner with deep insight on new methodology in soul winning. He is called by God to strengthen and encourage believers.
He has a great commission of raising and mentoring leaders as well as sending them out for missionary work within and outside Africa.
He is a man that is worth hearing. He has a tremendous anointing for healing and the miraculous.