Meet Apostle Emmanuel A Rhema

He was called into the ministry at the age of 15. after having an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ with the mandate of taking God’s miracle working power to this generation through the preaching of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
The Lord by His Mercy has been using him mightily in the prophetic and creative miracle healing in conferences and healing crusade world wide. He has taken the gospel of his master Jesus Christ to many Africa Nations . Asia, Eastern, Europe and South American .
He organizes Jesus healing crusade, prophetic fire conferences, healing conferences, school of the prophet, leadership empowerment Academy.
He is the president of Emmanuel A. Rhema Global Outreach, Senior Pastor of Grace City Church, CEO of Leadership empowerment Academy and as a Philanthropist and a humanitarian.
He is the founder of Jesus Care foundation.
He is also the African coordinator of Elijah challenge USA and the coordinator of the global evangelistic outreach, Greece.
He preaches and minister healing every Sunday to the sick via healer TV ( The cable Network that is watched in over 100 nation including Europe , Asia Nations)
He is a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University, Ondo state , School of Endtime ministerial Anointing, Kaduna, Word of Faith Bible Institute, Delta State, Daystar Leadership Academy, Lagos and Power School of Miracles ( PSOM), Lagos – Nigeria.
He has Authored many books including the bestsellers, Anointing for the Miraculous ,Covenant of longevity and dismantling Evil Foundation and as a country gospel singer, he has a debut album titled ” Don’t Cry° He is married with children and reside in Delta State. Nigeria.