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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Anyone who is a Christian can register and be admitted to study in SLBI. 

    1. Ability to read and write.
    2. Depending on the program you wish to study, you will be required to provide evidence of previous schools attended 

    Presently, our lectures takes place via WhatsApp platform and Zoom.

    Very soon, we will have such classes in South Africa and Nigeria.

    Fees varries from certificate courses to Diploma and Degree Courses. Our fees are very moderate with installment payment option acceptable.

    Yes, but is just a little token as a sign of your commitment to commence studies.

    A. Certificate courses varries from 5 days to 10 days.
    B. Diploma Programme is 3 months 
    C. Degree programme is one year 

    Yes. SLBI is registered in Nigeria and South Africa.

    We have the following departments:
    1. Theology
    2. Leadership
    3. Church Administration
    4. Biblical Studies